strongly held opinions.
i’ve been a little wonky lately. a little more easily triggered. a podcast recently offered some beautiful rememberings so i’ll riff off those in case you too want to lean in …
strongly held opinions
feel safer
they create a
false security
“when you cop to uncertainty and reconnect to intellectual humility” - the resistance lessens, we soften.
we don’t know it all.
they don’t know it all.
there is grace in that.
some people have deeply dedicated their lives to better understanding certain things and they do offer some intellectual insight and wisdom from their lived experience and yet still it will lean toward their own intention their own circumstances and hopefully their values and core beliefs - or not pay attention ;)
i do believe a grounded, open, integrated and embodied path is to get curious about what is important to each of us personally and then lean in over and over through the ways in which we show up to ourselves, our children and the people/places/things we know and those we don’t know around us. it is not about preaching an opinion to people over and over again. it’s about standing in integrity day in and day out to what we value. trusting ourselves and the people we choose. people will be more inspired by that anyway than us regurgitating someone else’s life or by our hard and fast opinion.
life is more breathable
when you have your own footing, supported by your own understanding of what is and is not important to you. it becomes your guide and it matters less and less what is spewing around you because you know how to connect and reconnect, pivot and align with the people/places/things that elevate spirit vs suppress it. and trust yourself to know what is best for you. for you. let others follow their own lead into whatever trajectory their actions dictate.
there will always be varying opinions so there’s no need for me to constantly word vomit mine into the universe. instead I am choosing to continue leaning into the things that are of most importance to me and my family, day in and day out. growing as I learn. learning as I grow. getting it right. and screwing it the fuck up
and hopefully by doing that I will continue to stay hopeful and lifted even among the damn vacuum of despair. it is and / both. it is and / both. JOY lives here too and the ones who continue to find and see that are my heros.
may you too let your heart guide you back to the beauty of the world again and again.
#yoga #embodiment #spiritualjourney #ramblinofheart